Terms and conditions

These are the Terms and Conditions for my pet sitting and dog walking service. I will ask all clients to sign a copy of this prior to any service being carried out.


  • Tails of Suburbia will provide a time interval during which visits will occur. If an unforeseen situation arises, the time interval may be adjusted.
  • Bank Holidays may incur additional fees which you will be advised of at the time of booking.
  • An in-home consultation is required, prior to reservations, FOR ALL NEW CLIENTS.
  • All bookings must be made at least 24 hours before service start date.


  • If Tails of Suburbia cannot provide the service agreed, we will do our best to arrange an alternative, unless in extreme circumstances, where we will endeavour to give 24 hour’s notice.

Aggressive Animals

  • Tails of Suburbia will not accept to look after aggressive animals.
  • The client agrees to be responsible for all costs (including but not limited to medical care, legal fees, etc.) if the client’s pet(s) should bite another animal.
  • Client agrees that on booking services for their dog(s) that they have represented that the dog(s) to have not shown aggression or caused harm, or threatening behavior to any individual and/or any pet(s), and the client agrees to contact the provider as soon as possible if any of these behavioral changes presents itself or if it has the potential to cause harm to any individual or pet(s).
  • We will not walk unruly or untrained dogs in a group.
  • If the client’s dog(s) whilst being walked shows aggressive tendencies towards Tails of Suburbia or their family, or should its behavior become unacceptable or a nuisance beyond reasonable acceptance, the client agrees that the service is terminated with immediate effect and the pet is to be returned to the location where it was collected.

Unforeseen Purchases

  • In the event that additional items need to be purchased in the absence of the client – i.e. pet food, litter, cleaning supplies or other necessary items that contribute to the health and wellbeing of your pet, the pet service provider will purchase these, retain a receipt and the pet owner is responsible for reimbursement of these items on their return.


  • Tails of Suburbia will obtain a copy of your house key during the in-home consultation. This key will be held by the pet sitter/dog walker and will be coded for security and kept securely.
  • It is recommended that your keys remain in Tails of Suburbia’s custody for convenience in future use of our service and to confirm services via telephone.
  • Your keys will be kept in a secured lock system and are coded for your protection.


  • Please inform us of any changes regarding your contact numbers, your pet’s care needs, your emergency contact details and other pertinent information.

Privacy Policy

  • All of your information will be kept private and confidential.
  • Tails of Suburbia highly respects our clients’ entrusting us with the care of their home and pets.
  • All of our records will be stored in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998.


  • All reasonable care is taken to ensure the integrity and suitability of the care provided.
  • Tails of Suburbia has valid public liability insurance, for the peace of mind of its clients.
  • The insurance only covers Tails of Suburbia, for the duration of the selected service, and only for services agreed.
  • It is the client’s responsibility to ensure that the property, its contents and pets are adequately insured throughout the duration of the assignment.

Additional Pet Care Assistance and Other Scheduled Services

  • Tails of Suburbia does not accept liability for other persons who will be in your home prior to, during or immediately after our services have been rendered.
  • Please inform us at the time of consultation of anyone who may have access to your home while you are away. This includes cleaning services, maintenance personnel, friends, family and neighbours etc.
  • It is understood that the client will notify anyone with access to the home that the services of Tails of Suburbia have been engaged.

Inclement Weather

  • You will entrust Tails of Suburbia to use best judgment in caring for your pet(s) and home at the time of inclement weather. Tails of Suburbia will try to carry out your instructions to the best of their ability. However, in cases of extreme weather, we will contact you with alternative arrangements.


  • Tails of Suburbia will follow instructions to administer medications as directed but cannot be held responsible for complications that arise as a result.
  • Under no circumstances will Tails of Suburbia service any pet that has any form of active contagious illness.
  • For Dog Walking we require a copy of a valid vaccination certificate.
  • If Tails of Suburbia is bitten or exposed to any disease or ailment received from the client’s pet(s) which has not been properly or currently vaccinated, the client will be responsible for all costs and damages that may be incurred as a result.

Pet Waste

  • Tails of Suburbia will properly dispose of your pet(s) waste. For cat litter trays we do request that you provide all necessary items such as scooper, cat litter and plastic bags and indicate where you would like these waste bags disposed of. The same for any other home-based animal. For dog walking we will properly dispose of pet waste and we will provide waste bags for this, we may, however need to sometimes bring the waste back to dispose of in your outside waste bin.


  • Please provide secure collars with appropriate tags for all visits. All dogs will be walked on leads at all times.

Fences and cat flaps

  • Tails of Suburbia does not accept any responsibility or liability for any client’s animals that escape or become lost or injured, fatal or otherwise, when instructed to leave the clients animals in a fenced area.
  • This includes electronic, wood, metal or any other type of fence, or in a premises that contains an unlocked cat flap.

House Cleanliness

  • Tails of Suburbia will clean up after your pets to the best of their ability. Please inform them of the designated area for the appropriate cleaning supplies.
  • Tails of Suburbia is not responsible for carpet/ flooring stains created by your pet(s).
  • We request that you provide plastic bags, towels, cleaning products, paper towels and bin bags.
  • If there are accidents above and beyond the normal amount anticipated, we will charge a reasonable fee for clean-up time.

Household Emergencies

  • Details of shut off points for services into the property are to be provided on the Home Information Sheet.
  • In the event of a household emergency, your emergency contact will be contacted to arrange any remedial work.

Dog Boarding

  • Also, for dog boarding/holidays, I take a £50 deposit to secure the booking.
  • Any damage that is done to our property the owners will have to cover the cost.


  • Please leave your thermostat settings within a normal comfortable range.
  • If the house temperature is outside of this range, Tails of Suburbia will adjust the thermostat to ensure the health and comfort of your pet(s). Your emergency contact will be notified.

Accompanying Visitors

  • A sitter may wish to have either a companion or spouse accompany them on an assignment at no additional costs to the client. This may happen if personal safety is thought to be an issue.
  • This must be agreed with the client, and the companion/spouse will have been vetted by Tails of Suburbia and will be subjected to all necessary checks.

Changes to return date

  • Tails of Suburbia carefully schedules our time to serve you and our other clients, therefore, there are no refunds or credits for early returns or last-minute changes to pet care.
  • In the event that the client is delayed on return, they must inform Tails of Suburbia immediately, and they will use its best endeavours to make alternative arrangements for continued cover, this may incur a further charge.


  • Tails of Suburbia accepts cash/bank transfer, (please ask for bank details).
  • You will be provided an invoice for services on a weekly basis.
  • Where services are required long term, the client may make payment on a monthly basis.


  • Tails of Suburbia shall not be liable to the client or be deemed to be in breach of the contract by reason of any delay in performing, or any failure to perform, any of its obligations in relation to the services, if the delay or failure was due to any cause beyond Tails of Surburbia’s reasonable control.
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